What is Crystalline?
Crystalline is a log aggregation and search server with a flexible query language that aims to provide the search experience of a SIEM solution without the management, license, or resource overhead of solutions like Splunk, ELK, Humio/LogScale, etc. It's designed to be easy to deploy and use for networks small enough to not need horizontal scaling.
- A pipe-based query language that supports:
- Selecting events from multiple indices at once by keywords
- Dynamically extract fields from structured and unstructured data by parsing json or using regular expressions
- Filter and aggregate events by field values
- Perform aggregations on dynamically extracted data
- Time-series indices with configurable retention policies and tiered storage support
- Fast parallel indexing with zstd compression thanks to Tantivy
- Highly multithreaded with an async actor-like processing model
- Customizable HTTP api for ingesting and querying logs
- Native chart interface to visualize search results
- Scheduled searches
- planned Alerts
- planned Summary searches to perform aggregations or risk based alerting on large amounts of data
- planned Lookups against reference data such as IP hostnames
Example search aggregating SSH logins from multiple indices
Show the search
select systemd(accepted ssh) syslog(accepted sshd)
| eval
host = lower(mvindex(split(if(HOSTNAME=*, HOSTNAME, host), "."), 0))
message = if(MESSAGE=*, MESSAGE, trim(message))
| extract message = /^\w+\s(?<method>\w+)\s\w+\s(?<user>\w+)\s\w+\s(?<remote>[^\s]+)/
| stats count() values(host) unique(host) by user remote