Fluent Bit
Logs can be sent to Crystalline via the Fluent Bit http
output plugin.
Example fluentbit output stanza for an input that doesn't require a token using the Crystalline default timestamp configuration:
Name http
Match *
URI /api/ingest/<input_uuid>/json
Host crystalline
Port 8080
tls Off
compress gzip
Format json_lines
Json_date_key timestamp
Json_date_format epoch
log_response_payload false
Using an input token
Example fluentbit output stanza for an input that requires a token using the Crystalline default timestamp configuration:
Name http
Match *
URI /api/ingest/<input_uuid>/json
Header X-Crystalline-Token <input_token>
Host crystalline
Port 8080
tls Off
compress gzip
Format json_lines
Json_date_key timestamp
Json_date_format epoch
log_response_payload false